No pushy in-person sales (but we're here to help if you need us)
You get access to all your high-res images
Satisfaction guaranteed with hundreds of photos to choose from (not a handful)
Several location and session options to nail your style
Jennifer is a fun, professional photographer that will make your sessions enjoyable experiences year after year
Why choose Eden Blue Photography?
A.Jennifer Evans with Eden Blue Photography is the highest-rated, most sought-after family and hs senior photographer in Colorado. Setting the industry standards in unique lighting approaches, flattering posing techniques, and advanced photo designs she creates images that are the highest-quality in Colorado.
Eden Blue Photography has a brand new state-of-the-art 1200 ft. photography studio in Brighton filled with couches, chairs, backdrops, props... everything you need for an amazing photo experience.
At the session, Jennifer will choose backdrops and props that work with your look and style. Each photo experience is uniquely catered to your personal tastes. It is a fun, creative process that you cannot get anywhere else in Colorado, just ask the thousands of satisfied customers!
Or, if you are an outdoorsy person, Eden Blue has a wide-range of Colorado photo locations to suit your needs.
Jennifer was a high-end wedding photographer prior to specializing in families and hs seniors, and she was voted the #1 wedding photographer in the west for 10+ years by The Knot and She had the unique opportunity to shoot weddings all over the world, until she found her true passion for photographing babies, teenagers, and families where she could create a more personalized, creative photo experience for her clients. She is currently ranked one of the Top 100 Photographers by the National Association of Professional Child Photographers, she is recognized by both WPPI and PPA for setting the industry standard in portrait work, and she is the highest-ranked photographer in Colorado on Google and other client-ranking platforms. Plus, she is super-fun :)
At this point, she has taken over 4 million pictures in her career (and that is not an exaggerated number, we actually did the math)! And, still, she has the passion to create beautiful images, and connect with all her clients in a friendly, exciting way.
What is the process?
A.First, you will choose the session type that fits your needs.
Next, you will book your session and fill out a small questionnaire, using our handy "Schedule A Session" tab.
Once you have booked, you will receive a follow-up email from Jennifer with some additional info (and she might make additional suggestions based on your questionnaire answers, to ensure you've got the best session type and time of day picked for great pictures).
Then you will have your amazing photo session. Yay!
Two weeks after the session, we will email you with the login code to view your online gallery. Using your online viewing gallery, you will choose which images you would like for your Print Package (for hs seniors, mini sessions, and biz head shots, prints are already included in the session price).
Once your order is in, we will start processing your print order, and we will also activate the "download" function on your viewing site so you will be able to download any or all of your high res images. Oh, and you can easily order additional prints or products, if you like, using your online gallery. And the site never expires, so you will always have access to your amazing images. Yep, it's awesome. (As a side note, it is always a good idea to download and back-up your images to your own personal hard-drive as well. We don't expire anything here, but tech changes, companies go out of biz, etc. So it is best to always make sure you have a copy of your precious images.)
What is the #1 thing people can do to have a good session?
A.For families... keep life simple! Just come and have fun! Seriously, when mommy is having fun, then babies are having fun. Try not to make things too fussy by adding lots of clothing changes, wild dogs, all the in-laws... you get the idea. Sometimes folks try to accomplish too much with lots of clothes, and people, and animals, and ideas... whew, I'm getting exhausted just describing it! Bring a few cutie outfits, make sure everyone is rested and fed (that includes babies and daddies), plan your session at a time of day that is realistic, and prepare your kiddos to have fun!
For hs seniors... prepare to have the best time of your life! Jennifer LOVES high school seniors. We'll be playing with lighting, posing, props, and wardrobe. It will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. It is more like a model shoot than a traditional senior portrait session. And together, we'll create images you can't get anywhere else! We really limit the number of seniors we'll take on, so each session is special. Eden Blue is not one of those studios that run 8-10 seniors through in a day! No way!
What should I bring to the Newborn Session?
A.A baby ;) Lots of milk, diapers, pacifier.
What should I bring to the Maternity Session?
A.A few cute outfits, nude underwear (a normal bra, a strapless bra, brief or full-coverage undies, and a thong, all in color nude). And if you want to work in any ultrasound pics, baby shoes, or other special items, bring them along too.
What should I bring to the High School Senior Session?
A.The allotted number of outfits, any special accessories (football, hats, letter-jacket, artsy props), a sense of fun and adventure!
What is the most important aspect of a Newborn Session?
A.Safety first! Safety is so important when photographing newborns. So we always make sure to put them in poses that are natural and comfortable to the baby's body. We don't put them in any prop item that would put stress or discomfort on their little bodies, we are constantly monitoring their temperature to make sure they are in a comfortable range. It is important to note that any photo we might show where the baby is propped up on their arms, is a Photoshop composite.
Do you have an option that just includes the high res images without prints?
A.Our pricing is set up so that the Session Fee includes the session itself for the artists' time and creativity for the shoot. And then the Print Package fee includes the prints listed for that package, as well as all the high res images. We do require a Print Package purchase because we feel passionate that you have some professionally printed product in your home. We want you to have all of your high res images, but we also want you to have quality prints that showcase the work in the most beautiful way possible.
The Limited Edition Sessions, HS Seniors, and Biz Head Shots are the only options we offer that don't require a minimum order purchase.
Can I make changes or subs to the Print Packages?
A.Yes, instead of a Print Package, you may order à la carte as long as you reach the $199 minimum order requirement. The goal is getting beautifully retouched professional prints and products into your lives. We're not such a stickler about how we get there, as long as we get there.
Does my viewing/downloading gallery ever expire?
A.Once you place your Print Package order (or min order of $199) we activate a function so the site never expires. You should be able to view and download your pictures for a very long time. However, you must place your Print Package order within 3 months of your photo session or it will expire for good.
Also, we recommend that you download all your images to a secure backup location, such as an external hard drive or memory stick. Things happen (companies go out of business, websites move their link locations, photographers retire;)). So ultimately it is your responsibility to create an archive of your photos.
Can I bring photo ideas that I've seen on social media?
A.Ummm... sort of. It is always best to choose a photographer that has a style you love. Don't hire a photographer, and then demand that they shoot pictures like someone else. It rarely works out well. Not only does it water-down their capabilities and talents as an artist, but they rarely achieve the look you were hoping for because it was someone else's style.
The best pics come from letting the photo process evolve naturally. Let your photographer do what they do best... see the light, read the subject's demeanor, and pose the body in ways that make sense for their body type. If you are hiring a pro, these are all things that they should excel at.
Now, that being said, sometimes there is a fun picture or two that you have found on Pinterest or IG and you want to do something like that. By all means, show it to your photographer and they can use it to inspire a similar look. Photographers love to collaborate and be inspired by other photographers' work. They just don't like to copy someone else's work! It's not fair to anyone.
Can I change my photo date/time after I've booked?
A.100% Yes. We tend to book up pretty far out. Jennifer does all her own shooting, editing, and retouching in order to maintain our high-quality standards, but it does limit the number of sessions we can take. So we encourage you to get your session booked, even if you're not completely certain about the time and date. We have plenty of flex time in most given weeks where we can move sessions into editing or order processing times instead. We are here for you! And we want you to have an awesome session. So if we need to move things around a bit to accommodate for that, it is not a problem at all. Likewise, if we have an outdoor session booked, and poor weather is heading our way, or Jennifer knows that the light at that location is photographing better at a different time, she will reach out to you to see if you would like to move your time/date. *The only exception on changing dates is if you are doing a Mini Session, because on some Mini Session days we only have that set up prepared for particular days. And if that is the case, we can still reschedule, but you might be asked to switch to a different session type if we cannot get you in on a date that we offer your particular Mini Session type.
What should we wear?
A.Newborns... birthday suit. Clothing looks silly on newborns.
Babies and toddlers... one simple, pure look with white (or cream), light gray, light pink, or light blue. One fun, fresh look like a floral sun-dress or cool vintage t-shirt and plaid shorts. And one artsy look in any style like preppy, boho, or bikini in the tin tub.
Families and older children... Choose a color palette of 3-4 complimentary colors. Jennifer prefers a light, airy feel to her outdoor images. So for outdoor shoots colors like: white, cream, tan, light denim, light pink/peach, mint, rust, blue, gold, and olive are all good choices. And she likes a little more richness to her indoor work. So for indoor shoots colors like: white, cream, dark denim, burgundy, peach, black, rust, navy, mustard, and dark gray are all good choices. You can get really great ideas looking at catalogs, on Instagram, and Pinterest to see how couples and families dress together. And if you are over the age of 8, and wearing matching reindeer or bear sweaters, she will send you home immediately ;)
HS Seniors... you do you. Wear clothes and styles that make you feel good, and represent your personality. And have fun with it. We're open to any look you want to throw at us... ballgowns, sports jerseys, retro sunglasses with mom jeans. It's your time to shine!
Where do the photoshoots take place?
A.Jennifer loves both indoor and outdoor shoots. So she offers both. Depending on which session type you choose, you will see the options listed on those individual tabs.
But, before you decide, it is good to know your comfort level. Outdoor has more challenges: weather, bright sun, bugs, wind. So if you're not an outdoorsy person maybe inside is for you (yes, I'm talking to you squinters out there).
What if my kid has the worst day ever?
A.We believe in 100% satisfaction guaranteed! The first thing is, don't give up too early. Some kids need a little time to ease into things. So first we are going to try some normal tricks. Then we might have a snack break. Then we might try to go a little more candid and get some sweet, natural images. Still have a fussy-pants on our hands? Then we will edit the pics to see what we got (Jennifer usually gets amazing shots even in the craziest sessions), but if we need more then we'll just supplement with a second photoshoot. Even the toughest cookie generally lets us get something adorable out of them. But every once in a while we have that kiddo that just doesn't feel good, or is seriously teething, and then we just do a second shoot. No big deal! We're always going to get the shot, one way or another!
What if we are sick?
A.Text me that you are sick, make some chicken soup, and get back in bed. I am never upset if you need to reschedule due to illness. In fact, I really appreciate it. I do lots of newborn and maternity sessions, and I really don't want them exposed to illness. So if you are sick or have a sick kiddo, please reschedule.
Eden Blue Photography reserves the right to use any photograph in any form such as, but not limited to, the use in advertising, reproduction, and copyright. All images are copyrighted by Eden Blue Photography, even those you purchase. Due to the custom nature of photographic products, no refunds will be issued. By hiring Eden Blue Photography, you agree to these terms. If you have a personal reason that images cannot be shared on social media, then please let Jennifer know directly. We respect your privacy.